Monday, January 9, 2012

Some Observations

Luke and Keir practice basketball at least twice per week in the gym of the old school for missionary kids on the grounds of the mission station. We all joined in one night to watch the workout. Luke is loving basketball. Every Sunday at 3 PM Luke and Keir have a game against Nathan and some of his friends. The number of players is gradually growing it seems. So much fun to watch Keir and Luke in action together. Luke plays hard and enjoys every minute of it. He doesn't need to be reminded to shower after the workout - he is dripping wet!

Sarah is an avid reader. She enjoys "American Girl" books and biographies of missionaries. Each morning before breakfast and school she reads, most afternoons after school she reads - she loves it. Her vocabulary shows it!

On the mission station are trees of many varities including banana, plantain, lemon, orange, avocado, mango, breadfruit, atanga and star fruit. Lemon grass grows abundantly (many days Luke would clip fresh leaves to make tea for me in an attempt to keep bites from insects at a minimum). Hibiscus bloom almost year round. The bird of paradise in front of the Thelander home are beautiful right now. Orchids grow and bloom in many shapes and many shades of color.

The Thelander phones (4 lines) ring many times an hour. Many times a day there is a knock on Joanna and Keir's front door. Often the knock or call is a missionary looking for help with a computer or internet issue. Sometimes a resident wants to discuss something with Keir. Frequently folks on the mission station just drop in to say hello and pass the time of day. Sometimes Sarah's friends Azair and Geriella (sisters and daughters of the personnel director at the hospital) are free of chores at their home and ask Sarah to play with them. Many times the calls are for Keir from a resident asking a question about a specific surgery case. Joanna fields calls regarding visitors and housing. Sarah serves as the official "phone call girl" except for Joanna and Keir's cell phone which they answer themselves. The Thelander home is a busy place! And I didn't mention the over 100 email messages that come in daily!

During our visit to Bongolo the electricity went out numerous times, the water treatment system failed numerous times, the internet went down numerous times, the no-seeums bit numerous times, the rains poured numerous times and the phones were out numerous times. Nonetheless the Lord continues to bless the work at Bongolo and the work of the Thelanders of Gabon.

1,111 patients at Bongolo Hospital had trusted Jesus as their Saviour and invited Him into their heart by 11/11/11.

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